
Further information

Bridge opening hours

Information on the bridge opening hours in the areas of the German Baltic Sea coast can be found in the respective navigational charts for small and leisure crafts.

Notifications from the Notices to Mariners

This overview shows you, sorted by years and issues, all the notifications published in the Notices to Mariners.









Shipping regulations

The following two overviews show international and national maritime regulations published as a supplement to the Notices to Mariners (NfS). They contain international resolutions, recommendations and guidelines of maritime organizations as well as national regulations which, among other things, transpose international regulations into national law.

Internationale Schifffahrtsvorschriften

Nationale Schifffahrtsvorschriften

In addition, the following regulations are important, but have not been published as a supplement in the Notices to Mariners (NfS):

  • further resolutions, recommendations and guidelines of the IMO (International Maritime Organization)
  • International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (KVR)
  • Traffic Regulations for Navigable Maritime waterways (SeeSchStrO) / English version of the Seeschifffahrtsstraßen-Ordnung
    The translation is a service, but not legally binding.

Sea pilot transfer service with helicopters

Information on the sea pilot helicopter transfer service (german) can be found on the ELWIS website (Electronic Waterway Information System).