
Picture of GeoSeaPortal-Bathymetrie; opens link to GeoSeaPortal

Central access to marine data

The GeoSeaPortal is the central entry point into the spatial data infrastructure of BSH (GDI-BSH). It is the central access point to all spatial data of BSH for internal and external users.

Information on the spatial data can be researched and retrieved. The spatial reference data and thematic data of BSH are made available in the form of view services (Web Map Services – WMS) and download services. With the help of the map client in the GeoSeaPortal, the WMS can be visualized in map form and intersected with each other. Both the WMS and the Web Feature Services (WFS) can be integrated into other map viewers or own applications via their web address (Uniform Resource Locator – URL).

Services with a temporal dimension can be visualized in time steps with the so-called "Time Slider" or automatically viewed in a kind of film.

In addition, the GeoSeaPortal offers several other functions that simplify the handling of the spatial data of BSH.

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